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Viet Italia

Manufacturer of wide belt sanders and other sanding technology for wood processing, which have been taken over by BIESSE GROUP in 2011 and has been integrated in the company as a brand ever since. At the location of VIET, all other BIESSE wide belt sanders are being manufactured as well. They carry the "VIET" writing and the BIESSE logo.

Sídlo firmyPesaro (PU) (IT)
Vedení (2016)Etorre Vichi


Logo ab 2011
VIET, 2016
Logo ab ca. 1990
VIET, 2010
Logo vor ca. 1990

Modelové řady

Řízení (6)

Širokopásová bruska

Agregáty (6)

agregát přítlačného lamelového pásu
agregát na broušení hran
Agregát s talířovým kartáčem
Kombinovaný agregát
agregát brusného válce
orbitální brusný agregát