UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

The uninterruptible power supply, short UPS, is responsible for the steady and gapless supply of electrical power of constant quality. Due to the decentralization of the energy market, regulation mechanisms were economized, so the quality declined during the recent years.

Deficiencies in the energy quality could be:

  • Voltage peaks
  • Voltage drops
  • High tension and undervoltage
  • "Contamination" by harmonics

Particularly the calculation systems of machines and production lines react very sensitively on such quality deficiencies, for example the loss of data in the main memory or damages to the hardware. The electronics of the UPS filters harmonics, absorbs voltage peaks, equals voltage drops via battery power and ensures the properly shut down of the calculation system, if permanent interruption of the power supply occurs, resp. a regulated stoppage of the machine and the production line by a shut-down software.

In today's Germany only a few machines are offered with UPS. However, in Eastern European countries machines with UPS are very popular. (Source: German manufacturer of wide belt sanders)