Guide to beamsaws | 9

Optimisation and management of remains

If someone regularly cuts several formats, doesn't want to miss out on software solutions for cutting optimisations. Most manufacturers have their own solution handy; furthermore there're independent optimisation systems, whose data can be integrated via appropriate interfaces. The direct optimisation in the workshop, of the saw, is the simplest variation. It requires the operator put in exact entries. Systems are less prone to error and more efficient if they carry out the entire work preparation (and thus the planning of cutting) in the workshop. Depending on the size of the company and production structures, from the single-user license to more complex production organisation, everything is possible. Also here applies: seek thorough consultation about your production structure. Between selecting the right software and mastering it lie many years of significant efficiency profit.

When talking about management of remains, our opinion is: if one is searching for remains, or is frequently taking usable panel rests to measure whether they are still usable in current production commissions, is doing something wrong. If one is thinking about panel saws which run for several hours during the day, has to think about "where to leave the remains?". An optimal interplay of location name, meticulously maintained remainder storage, labelling, barcode and intelligent software for the management of remains. If someone uses an area storage system, the possibility persists to store extensive remains and to process them at the next possible chance.


... as well as in work preparation from the office