PP plastic

PP is the abbreviation for polypropylene, a chlorine-free, semi-crystalline plastic. This plastic is widely used in pipe extrusion and the packaging industry.


Mechanic : Polypropylene is harder, stronger and more temperature resistant than polyethylene (PE). It is so elastic that film hinges are made from it. PP tolerates up to 100°C in continuous use, but behaves as very brittle at temperatures below the freezing point.
Chemical : Polypropylene is resistant towards alcohols, salt solutions and organic acids, but swells under the action of aromatic hydrocarbons and is flammable. If compared to ABS, it is more resistant.


As a thermoplastic plastic, it can be formed into miscellaneous products through injection moulding, extrusion and thermoforming.

Use in the woodworking industry


Anwendungen für 3D Pressen mit thermoplastischer Folie (meist PP oder PVC)
BÜRKLE, 2017