Pressure pads for short workpieces

They consist of rubber rollers in a heavy support structure, and are preferably made of cast iron.

They have the task of providing a safe workpiece through-feed through the machine. The workpiece must be pressed so heavily on the feed conveyor that it can not slip or bulge out. At the same time, the pressure pad has to be able to adapt to the varying thickness of the workpiece during calibrating. This is achieved by pneumatic suspension of the support structure.


  • With lips: for very short pieces, for use in connection with contact rollers
  • Without lips: for 'longer' pieces, used in connection with sanding pads and combination units; for grinding very short workpieces, a vacuum table is required.
  • Furthermore pressure rollers without pressure pads are in use as well.


diverse Druckschuhformen
Floating Druckschuh in einer von oben schleifenden Breitbandschleifmaschine UNISAND
DMC, 2009
Floating Druckschuh in einer von unten schleifenden Breitbandschleifmaschine UNISAND
DMC, 2009