Odečíst provozní hodiny

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The term "operating hours" is not standardized and won´t be used throughout. Fundamentally the operating hours are supposed to make a statement about how many hours a machine has been in operation to conclude its wear and tear.

The easiest operating hours counter are comparable to electricity meters in the household. They mostly start running, as soon as the master switch has been switched on. A manipulation is mostly only possible through a single handle in the wiring of the control box. For an experienced persona, however, no problem. (""Pinching off" the meter)

Further developed operating hour counters are mostly deposited in the software control and may ideally save up to innumerable operating parameters like from the running time of the main spindle or of the main motor, quantities of processed workpieces, linear meters,shutdown times to maintenance intervals and economically relevant statistics. A manipulation of software counters can be relatively simple, this is even partly intended by the manufacturer, e.g. setting back the counter for economical evaluation etc.

On the basis of many possible counting methods, no reliable statement about the degree of wear of the machine can be made, as long as it´s not known what the counter is stating.

Examples for the information of operating hours

  • Counting from master switch "On"
  • Counting from control voltage "On"
  • Counting starts, when control booted
  • Counting from start of an operation programme
  • Counting from main engine or working spindle "on"

Brief instruction

WOOD TEC PEDIA contains a series of brief instructions of selecting operating hours on machines of different manufacturers.

Type in "Operating hours" in the search bar in order to display an overview of all available instructions.


