HOMAG K-table

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Short description

It is a pod and rail table, which is used in CNC-machining centres of the HOMAG group.

In the 1990s, the company Schmalz developed a system of consoles and suction cups, which allowed free positioning of the suction cup on the console. This system was adopted by the HOMAG group, and was the most often used machine table only shortly afterwards.

Mode of operation

The consoles of the machine table have a smooth surface, in which holes are inserted in regular intervals. The intervals between theses openings are designed in a way, so that there is at least one hole underneath the suction cup, no matter how the suction cup is positioned on the console. If one poistions a suction cup on the console, the valve which is completely covered by the suction cup opens, allowing the cup to suck vacuum.

There are systems with dual-circuit vacuum and single-circuit vacuum:

Dual-circuit vacuum

One vacuum circuit sucks the suction cup onto the console, while the second circuit leads the vacuum to the surface of the suction cup. There, a ball valve opens as soon as a worpiece is put on top. Thus, the workpiece is fixed.

Single-circuit vacuum

It is usually used when it is necessary for the suction cups to be of reduced height. Here, the cups are mechanically attached to the console. The vacuum is only used to clamp the workpiece.

Special solutions

The k-table is the basis of a variety of special solutions, e.g. the AP system or its predecessor AutoClamp. With both systems, the machine automatically positions the suction cups. There are also many different clamping systems for the k-table, like for example special clamps for staircase construction PowerClamp, the MaxiFlex system or grids, which can be adjusted on the suction cups.


Homag K-Tisch mit absenkbarem Vakuumspanner für Reststücke
HOMAG, 2012
K-Tisch mit versch. Spannsystemen
K-Tisch mit powerClamp
K-Tisch mit Multispannsystem
K-Tisch mit maxiFlex
K-Tisch mit Einkreis-Blocksaugern
K-Tisch mit Zweikreis-Blocksaugern
K-Tisch (verschlaucht)
WEEKE, 2002
K-Tisch Einzeltraverse