BÜRKLE Multi-Pin system

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Automated supporting system for membrane presses by Bürkle.

The seating of the part placement table consists of many, regularily arranged holes. The panels (stamps, pins) are located inside the press and can be controlled individually. After distributing the parts on the table, cameras determine their positions and send the data to a computer. The PC displays the layout plan and calculates, which pins have to be lifted. Now the foil can be applied. The table travels into the press and releases the workpieces on the pins that were lifted. Pins at the edge of the workpiece remain in the bottom position. The pressing process can be started.

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Multi-Pin System
BÜRKLE, 2011
Bürkle Multipin Tisch mit Plattenabtrennsystem Separator
BÜRKLE, 2000
Multi-Pin System
BÜRKLE, 1995