Two rows of stops

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A second stop range describes the possibility with CNC-machining centres with pod and rail tables, to apply workpieces on two different positions on the console.


Especially with cantilever machines the available processing range is significantly bigger, if the workpiece is applied on the back end of the console. The deeper the machine table, the more complex, in this case, to apply small and narrow workpieces. As the machine for the programming has to have one workpiece´s reference point in command, it´s really elaborate to apply workpieces without the appropriate program technical preparations on other positions.

Hence one can find at most of the modern machines a second row of stops, which are linked to a second workpiece´s reference point, such as the operator can choose the place depending on the workpiece.

Principally two variations can be differentiated:

  • two stop ranges in the console middle: This configuration has the advantage of being able to shove the workpieces over the edition support as well as to the hinder stops. The disadvantage consists of only one small workpiece of the console being able to be used and measured in case of doubt to determine which stop can be used. With stops in the console middle, the program will be processed like at the hinder stops.
  • Second stop at the frontal console end: This configuration has the advantage, that the entire console length can be used and only with especially big workpieces the hinder stops can be used. Handling offers disadvantages to this configuration, that the workpiece support required one more handle. Small workpieces will be lifted over the extended stops and drawn to the them. Bigger and heavier workpieces will be first shoven to the back of the console and eventually the stops will be drawn out and the workpiece will be drawn to the stop. At the second stop range at the frontal console end, the program across the hinter stops will be mirrored-wise processed.

In order to be able to select between two variation, there's a third row of stops installed on some machines.


Zweite Anschlagreihe vorn
Zweite Anschlagreihe Mitte, Anschlag versenkt
Häufig zu finden: Anschlagreihen vorn und hinten, aber nur zwei Arbeitsfelder