IMA Duo scraper

Flat scraper unit
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One concept for profilscrapers on edgebanders developed by Ima as alternative for high-gloss varnishes.

The duo scraper is applied to edgebanders with laser technology, such as a retrofitted Ima Combima Concept I and is especially suitable for the delicate post-processing of the profile. The goal is to let the profile seem nearly identical to the high-gloss surface, that there's no frame effect. The Duo-scraper consists of two profilscrapers. The first one leaves a tenth and is therefore the "pre-scraper". The second one takes the last touch and eliminates the white streaking, which the first one has caused.

In order to achieve a good result, card silver with a higher polishing ability is required. Usually a buffing unit follows, which is responsible for the last finish.


Premilling unit
Profile scraper unit
Trimming saw
Јединица за фино млевење
Universal milling aggregate
Corner rounding unit
Workpiece infeed
Spraying device
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Smoothing station